Sameer Qatamish
30 years of clinical experience
Mulligan practitioner, mulligan concept association , New Zealand.
MacKenzie trained , MacKenzie institute, New Zealand.
Certified Dry needling practioner
Certified Manual Therapist
Sameer is an experienced musculoskeletal specialist with 30 years experience.Since he became qualified as a physiotherapist from Bulgaria many years ago he started his career as a private clinician and gained an outstanding reputation in Palestine. He went through extensive official training at different stages in his career e.g Maitland , mulligan , McKenzie and manipulation in addition to his certification with Primephysio Training UK and Orthopedic manual therapy academy UK. He regularly supervise students and juniors in his busy clinic in Ramallah and joined Primephysio UK teaching team in 2017 during the first OMTC. Program in Palestine.
Sameer has developed his unique style of practice that is based on simplicity and innovation. He always keen to teach his clients rather than making them dependent on passive modalities. He has the ability to select the right approach for the right patient on the right time. With thousands of patients in his career memory Sameer is an addition to OMTA team in Palestine and the middle east.